10 Things I Love About Sonic Skin Cleansing Brushes

Clarisonic Skin Brush

I recently purchased a Sonic Skin Cleansing Brush after reading rave reviews on the web. My skin was feeling a little tired, dull and needed a pick me up! I always choose to use natural skin care as I like to keep chemicals to a minimum and with sensitive eyes natural is a must. The Clarisonic seemed the perfect solution, no chemicals!

Edit: I would now rather choose a Michael Todd Beauty or another cruelty-free brand over Clarisonic as I have since found out they are not a cruelty-free brand.

I won't go into the details and specifications of the device. You can read more on their website: www.michaeltoddbeauty.com


10 things I love about my sonic skin cleansing brush

1. Softer/smoother skin - you know when your skin feels rough to the touch in places like your nose and chin? That's what my skin was feeling like. I struggle with pores so this brush has been great for keeping them feeling clean and making my entire face feeling smooth! I can't use exfoliating creams any more, the last one I purchased broke me out in pimples which I've never experienced before so this brush has been the perfect remedy for avoiding harsh scrubs.

2. Products absorb better - They say products absorb better when you use a sonic skin cleansing brush and I noticed it immediately. When you put on your moisturiser it soaks right in. Gone are the days when you moisturiser sits on your face feeling oily and heavy. You'll get the benefits of your creams penetrating deeper into your skin too!

3. Better brows - Yes, this is a strange one but since using the Clarisonic brush my brows are looking fuller and sitting nicer! I'm sure it has to do with the exfoliating brush massaging and increasing blood flow to the skin around my brows encouraging hair growth. There's a well known celebrity brow technician who sells a brow scrub just for the eyebrows so I know this isn't a myth. The exfoliation has also help remove dull skin between my brow hairs - another reason why they sit nicer?

4. Less pimples - I don't get many pimples but I've had zero since using my sonic skin cleansing brush over the past 3 months!

5. Less oil - I've noticed less oiliness in my t-zone throughout the day which is always a good thing.

6. It feels like a facial massage - the brush oscillates around 300 times per second! It's not harsh at all and helps increase blood flow to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, etc.

7. It removes makeup - pop your cleanser on the brush, or directly on your face, and off you go (you just need to remove your eye makeup first though). I prefer to remove my makeup with the Oil Cleansing Method and use my regular cleanser with the sonic skin cleansing brush afterwards or just in my morning routine only. Check out my blog on the Oil Cleansing Method.

8. It makes cleansing easy, fun and enjoyable! - if you're one of those people who doesn't enjoy taking your makeup off at the end of the day, this gadget will change that. The facial massage is reason alone to use it, but if that's not enough this device takes only 1 minute and you're done!

9. Makeup lasts longer - I've noticed a considerable change in how well my makeup lasts since using the my sonic brush. Why? The gentle exfoliation of the brush gets rid of all dull surface skin cells which tend to create a barrier to your makeup adhering well to your skin. The less 'junk' that sits between your skin and makeup the better your makeup will last and the smoother it will look.

10. Makeup looks more flawless - any makeup artist will tell you that exfoliating it the key to creating a smooth, flawless canvas for makeup (along with overall good skin care). Using a sonic skin cleansing brush will exfoliate your skin ensuring you're doing it frequently enough to make a difference.


Which sonic skin cleansing brush is best?

I purchased a base model of Clarisonic, the Mia. But having found out later they aren’t a cruelty-free brand I would opt for a Michael Todd Beauty brush over the Clarisonic. There's nothing I don't love about these brushes - you can even use it in the shower! It's rechargeable and the battery lasts forever between charges.


Getting married and want great skin?

If you're getting married and you want to start taking care of your skin before your big day but don't want to spend lots of money on facials or treatments I highly recommend you check these brushes out! It was actually one of my brides who recommended I try it.

For the price of a facial or two, you can have an at-home device to use daily that will help keep your skin in shape. A sonic skin cleansing brush may or may not be for you so do some research. You could spend a lot of money on products in hopes of creating beautiful skin. But, if you're not putting these products on clean, exfoliated skin you won't see as good improvements. I truly believe in simple, natural skincare products and focusing on diet instead.

I’ve got a few other blog posts on natural skincare you might like to check out.

- Tasleema


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